The opinion was based on new research at Napier University in Edinburgh, as reported by the Telegraph.
However, experts doubt the claims of Internet psychology, they questioned the research methodology.
The researchers collected answers to an online survey of 175 college students about their feelings toward Facebook. Nearly a third of respondents were female.
"We found it was really experienced by those who have the most contacts, they devote most of his time in the site, the most likely to be stressful," said Dr Kathy Charles, leader of the research.
"It's like a news channel about yourself. Far more people you have the more you feel there is an audience. You're almost a mini celebrity and with a larger audience more pressure you feel to make something of your own."
As many as 12 percent of respondents said that up to make them feel anxious. They average has 117 friends on the site, compared to those who on average have 75 friends from the rest of the students.
Of the total sample, 63 percent said they are delaying new friend request.
"Most also told us they were worried about withdrawing from the site for fear of losing important social information or offensive contact," said Charles.
Eleanor Barlow, a managing consultant who specializes in cyber-psychology at IBM, said the claim was interesting, but not necessarily applicable to the wider population on Facebook.
"Students often use Facebook in a manner somewhat different from most of us," he explains.
"They are exploring their identity at the time, including online."
Although the nature of Facebook is familiar among the students, Edinburgh Napier research found that users often feel that only offers a simple reward or weak.
"It's like gambling, up to maintain the users in the 'neurotic limbo', not knowing whether they should hang in there just in case they miss something good."
In November, claimed by the writings of the doctors in The Lancet that the stress of renewal up trigger an asthma attack on a 17-year-old girl.
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