Any poison spider is different from Viagra or Cialis and can be used by patients whocan not be treated with such drugs both.
Spiders are also known as the banana spider is very poisonous, where the poisonconsisted of a mixture of several molecules. One time only spiders that bite, the persondirectly experiencing priapism, or the circumstances in which someone erection for hours.
However, priapism is often painless and nothing to do with sexual arousal.
Dr. Kenya Nunes, a psychologist at the Medical College of Georgia isolate the activesubstance in the poison and give peptide named PnTx2-6 to mice. As a result, the ratshad erections and blood pressure go up.
In the study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine that Nunes wrote, the rats thatinitially lackluster transformed into vibrant and not experiencing side effects.
Next Nunes wanted to explore whether this toxin can help women with sexualdysfunction.
The spider with the scientific name phoneutria nigriventer was commonly found inbanana plantations in South America. Some banana spider is brought up to thesupermarkets in the United States and Canada. As recently found in a shop inManitoba, Canada.
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